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My scriptsSolution Center https://scpega.corp.cox.com/prweb/sso
Liveperson.com Account: 31922287
tech number: 76858
KRONOS user: PA1052477
Downgrade and Upgrade
Task SC (Service Change) -Appears CF (Customer Flashes) -Press Enter -ES task appears
Adding equipments -Just we can do that if Third party equipments -Not needed for Equip rented. -Info needed in order to register an equipment into the acc -MAC Addr -MODEL & BRAND -Serial Number - This is performed on task EQP
Internet Troubleshooting
Step 1 - Check for non pay disconnect - Service Suspension (Abuse provide phone and ticket) code HSI AUP - Known issues (any outage in the area) - Check for any WO open - Active Gigabit Customer - Customer is a Gigablast customer - Service install (30 days) - Power cycle - Turn off modem - Turn off router - wait 30 sec - Turn on modem - Turn on router -Signal that we can sent RESET ICOMS - In order to perform a RESET we should go to @EQP Click on SEND HIT SELECT PRESS EMTER
How to set a visit using ICOMS 1. Go to TC (Trouble call) - Appears CF screen - Select Problem Codes Most used - Customer Education - Repeat Data Problem - Intermittent Connection - Slow Speed - SS - Select Time - Enter
CABLE Product Knowledge
Cox has4 main types of cable receivers
Mini Box Rovi Contour 1 Contour 2
1st level TV Starter - Local channels - Educational channels - Goverment regulated channels
2nd level Expanded Service
TV Starter+Expanded = TV Essential
Access to COX On Demand In Demand is the content supplier Kind of On Demand -Movies on Demand -Events on Demand -Premiums on Demand -Suscription on Demand -Channels on Demand
Music Choice
Contour App
Cable Add Ons
TV Paks Cox has 6 Paks -Variaty Paks -Movie Paks -Sport and Info Paks -Sport Pak 2 -Latino Pak -Bonus Pak (free with a suscription to any of the above paks)
Cable Receivers
Mini Box ROVI Receivers Contour 1 A customer could have until 8 boxes per home.
Cable Package -TV Starter -Contour Flex Starter -Contour TV - New Contour TV Ultimate
Cable Install -Pro -Self -Contour 1 & 2
Base Code (Cable) = 100
Case 1
Can be have Premium Channels
@OT CONTOUR1 and Minibox does not have EQ Deposit
In order to add package we only use CONTOUR TV CONTOUR TV Ultimate CONTOUR TV STARTER
Case3 CONTOUR -C1 box -C2 box
Can be have Premium and Pack
DVR Service
Contour 1 Two different boxes for R2 and R6 Troubleshooting Contour 2
Cable Check Connections -Power /Coax cable -HDMI -TV on -RIGHT INPUT -Also can do a HDMI disconnect and connect it again. *OUTAGE/KNOW ISSUES (CF on ICOMS) *PAST DUE BALANCE *CHECK FOR OPEN WO
Send HITS From iNaV Go to Tech Support tab Select the box related Click on Send Hit First one used: H Just do a Refresh If it does not work we can send IN or I3 signals.
Black Screen -> Power Cycle (Desconecta, 30 secs Conecta)
On Demand
In order to see all on demand requests by the customer Task VI SELECT Customer Activities button
Pay Per View -Seasonal -Event -History
Task PV (related to events)
Task PK (related to seasonal)
Task PH (Access PPV History)
Step 1: Account auth. Step2: @SC Step 3:@ES Sale REason used: B5 No chantge in services and go directly to @OT In there we should put these codes - SHIP & HANDLE (VSHIP) - REMOTEREPL (Charge of $20) - RTRN BOX (Used for returning the damaged remote control) Note: Before replace and send a remote tell to the customer he/she can go to the Cox store in order to replace it. Step4: @Os press enter key If we do not have any error we will go to DR screen. In this screen you can send the remote controls needed. (more than 1 if necessary)
DEFECTIVE CABLE BOX Step 1: Account auth. Step2: @SC Step 3:@ES Sale REason used: B5 Step 4: @CB We will need the S/N of the defective box in order to identify the Cable box with issues. Copy all the settings from the box defective (@Copy) and after that we proceed to cancel the box with issues. (@CNCL/DISC) Step 5: @OT we will need these codes - SELF TV ($20 of charge) - VSWAP (DF RCV SWP) - VSHIP (SHIP & HANDL) - RTRN BOX - Office Only Note: Customer should return the box. If the cust does not it... the box will be charged.
Step 6: @OS press enter key and we go to DR screen - Select the items to be sent to the customer in the order
Step 7: We will user Future Bill since we are changing a box in the customer account.
Telephone Services.
It is not common attended telephone troubleshooting.
Sometimes when you add the telephone service the bill will down since the customer apply to promotions.
Troubleshooting steps Check all the phones are properly closed.
TS - 38 (Screen used to add telephone service to an order) Base of the service: line fl (When you apply it the system launch a telehpone number randomly)
Step to create a telephone order: 1. @TS enter the code Line fl 2. The Directory Listing Info screen is opened. In there enter the Lst Ins Normally Publish is used. Click OK and Exit. 3. click on the line activated and click on Occ Pkgs 4. The Package Pricing for Occurrence is opened. In there select Add and the package to be added 5. @TS screen add the carriers. Enter the Cox code: 06269 6. PIC/LPIC PIC: Local calls / LPIC: Long distance calls inside US 7. @ES press enter to looking for any lost code in the order. 8. @cq select PORT1 code 9. At Questionnaire screen press enter and click on Customer Has Met the 10. @OT screen select the telephone pro install 11. @SS Schedule the visit 12. @CR check credit 13. @OS press enter
Telephone Troubleshooting
Check these items - Non Pay - Outage - Incomplete order Internet / Phone Modem
Online: Reset
Offlines: Coaxial Cable Modem Connection Powercycle TC -> TT
PacketLoss: TEST CONN (iNav) 10% PAcket loss TC -> TT
Fluctuations: TC -> TT T3, T4
Default Voice Mail 269266 COXCOM
If the customer equip does not present any of all the situation mentioned above we perform GOOD SIGNAL: TC -> TD TELEPHONE TECH - TT TEST DESK - TD Transfer to CAG - Customer Advocate Group (1-844-260-0425)
If the customer does not have a modem we proceed to go to ETTQ in order to chectk the status/
GREEN - POWER CYCLE PHONE - Try other active jack
@TC CF Select the issue reported by the customer TT -> SCHEDULE TD -> NO SCHEDULE
Voicemail Key articles Setting Up Voice Mail Activating Readable Voice Mail Checking Voice Mail Troubleshooting Voice Mail
Caller ID Troubleshooting TV Caller ID
Telephone Packages Key articles Telephone Rates and Pricing
Telephone Features
https://www.cox.com/residential/support/videos.html# https://www.cox.com/residential/support/videos.html#
Tools to manage links online
http://www.quickbookmarks.com/public/b30373 http://www.quickbookmarks.com/private/b30373
3.Press *66 or on a rotary phone, dial 1166, then hang up the phone.
@CL we can see the bills on Late payment fee is generated when we have other bill printed without any payment in the last cycle.
QA Notes
Billing Cycle 30 days CL -> STMT IMAGE
If CUST has PROM J or PAST DUE cannot change DUE DAY
Task SF (Used to view the bill info)
How to see active campaigns @CS -> Pricing (Promotions) Special Pricing (Campaings
Customer Flashes CF
Customer Ledger CL
It is an automatic method of payment. The requirement is the cust should have money in the account. If the cust does not have money in the account the system launch a return payment fee.
It will be with credit card or a bank account. The customer can do it in the webpage or thru our chat service. Normally they do it from his account.
How to validate the account used by the customer @MP The pink one is the active one. @rp In this task you can verify if the customer has a blocked account.
Credits: Type Credit per time:
System permit credit until 30 days. The credit should be apply from the time reported until the solving time of the issue. The reason used should be according to the credit applied. If we choose the incorrect code the system will cancel the credit without informing the customer. We just put the service and the time that we are going to give the credit.
How to appy credit @CL or @CS click on Adj by Srv
Credit per specific amount. @CL Cust info field put $ We should put minus signal (-) after the amount to be a credit.
@CL Cust info field put ai We will have all the credits applied to the customer.
Credit per PPV or On Demand @PH Click on ADjustment selecting the event you want to apply a credit.
Pending payments @CL click on Pend Payment Click on Hstory (Access to history payment info)
How to take a payment
@Cash and press enter twice Assistance fee by chat is $10.
Promise to pay (Extensions)
@CO Click on Scheme option In order to find out the disconnection date.
You will find it on C/D/H SOFT EVENT in the Description Field Always provide a day before the disconnection day How to left a note @CO click on ADD ptp , enter prom date / promise amount / enter on ACT field F
The minimum amount to be pay by cust is 31-60 statement Extensions applied each 60 days. Maximum days extention is 7 days Always we should ask to the cust to pay the complete amount debt. Customer with less than 3 months with Cox cannot apply to extentions. Extensions appy before the disconnect day. If the system already disconnect the customer the extensions does not apply
Transfer from an active account to other one. 1. disconnect in the old house (wo) 2. Connect in the new one (wo)
Transfer cannot be done inter state. Transfer has two charges: 20 or 75
Starting the process:
1. Auth the account 2. @TR press enter 3. At least 3 months with Cox services. Self. If not use Pro transfer. Press Enter 4. Customer lookup Add Customer new address Select Auth and press F11 twice Exit from the @NM Appears the Disconnection WO Select WO Office Only and press enter @SS Office Only @OS press enter Ask to the customer about when he is going to disconnect Sale REason : 08 @ES Customer is registeres as a new customer. We can offer services and bundles. Always left CC notes in both accounts
My scripts 2 CSAT REQUEST
I will appreciate you fill the survey at the end of this chat.
Payment Mailing Address Cox Communications, Inc. PO Box 78071 Phoenix, AZ 85062-8071
Customer Contact Information: Customers trying to reach our Corporate Offices should call (888) 566-7751Call: (888) 566-7751 or send an email message to: coxcorp.customerrelations@cox.com
The self-installation covers the preset you find in your location. You cannot hook your modem if we do not activate the outlet. The charge really covers that activation.
It is a charge for having your Internet service ready to use in your location.
Bundle Step up: Our bundles with 24 months agreement contain a clause which states that Bundle rate increases $30 or $20/month for months 13-24. we are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause . You subscribed to your service 12 months ago, for that reason you see a rate increase in your current statement.
You also had a self-install charge. It was 20.00 plus taxes. It is a one time charge for being your outlet ready to connect your equipment.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Cox Pin
The Cox pin provided does not match with the one set in your account. Do you want I set as your Cox Pin the one provided?
Account already disconnected
If your service was already interrupted the extension cannot be set.
Just the collection department can set an extension if the service was already interrupted. The system blocks me the option to set an extension if the service was already disconnected.
Unfortunately, the collection department is closed at this time.
Since you already have an extension set I cannot set another one. Just the collection department can provide you more options than me.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Due date explanation
Customer, please keep in mind the bill was printed on May 18th. It should be paid on June 12th. And we extend the time until July 9th. More than 30 days after the due date of the bill printed on
Reviewing your account you have a note related to your service reactivation. Please give us a call at 1 800 234 3993. This reconnection should be performed in person in a Cox store. Please contact us on the phone provided in order to get more information about.
Just be aware these channels can be attached to any promotion you have set in the system and it does not permit to remove it.
PASSWORD RESET PROCESS The new password for your account is:
Please be aware that the password is case-sensitive. Also please don't copy and paste, type directly your login information. This password is temporary, I recommend changing your password immediately.
Click here in order to find a step by step instructions on how to change your password.
Let me know if you could log in.
Do you want to have a Cox email address associated with your My Account Cox UserId?
Were you able to log in?
I can analyze your options and see if you apply for a promotion with me. The other option you have is contacting the promotion department for getting also additional assistance. Do you want I access your account and see if you apply for promotions with me?
Applying Internet upgrade
The Internet upgrade can be applied right now. Your modem will be restarted in the process. Do you contact me using your Cox Internet service?
Probably you will lose me in the process.
Since you have less of 60 days from the last extension I cannot set another extension. I strongly recommend you contact us at 1 800 234 3993 for getting more alternatives.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Surcharges increases
The following Cox imposed changes are occurring during the 2018 price adjustment.
The Regional Sports Surcharge is increasing from $2.60 to $6.00 depending on the Cox market to up to $8.00 by March 11, 2018, the date of the change and the price varies by market. The Regional Sports Surcharge is designed to contribute to the total costs associated with the delivery of regional sports networks.
The Broadcast Surcharge is increasing from $4.00 a month to $7.50 by March 11, 2018, the date of the change varies by market. The Broadcast Surcharge is designed to contribute to the total costs associated with the delivery of broadcast television, but retransmission fees are a significant contributor to the surcharge amount.
All the customers for all the Cable TV companies have these charges.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want also to have a Cox email address associated with your My account ID?
Could you provide me the last four digits of the SS?
You can also do the pay on the phone. You can reach our automatic phone payment at 1 80 234 3993.
Are you going to use this account just to enter to My Account or you also want this account to be a Cox email?
Yes. We have an outage in your area. I do apologize for this inconvenience. At this time we do not have an estimated time to solve the issue.
Click here to learn how to set up Easy Pay (auto pay) for your Cox bill using a credit card.
AVAILABLE for Homelife customers
Call us to report a problem, inquire about billing, purchase additional equipment or modify your account.
Call Us: 1-877-404-2568
The Internet orders take 72 hours to be processed.
Click here to learn how to view and pay your Cox bill online with this easy to follow video.
Let me verify the system. Thank you for your patience, Name.
Just to confirm. Are you unable to log in to your Cox email account, am I right?
What street did you live on in third grade?
This is the procedure. You do not have the security question set in the system. Please call us at 1 800 234 3993 and provide the information of your account. They can do a call back to your the phone registered in order to validate it. After that, you can change the Cox Pin with them.
Ways to do payments
You can do the payment online from My Account page. You also can do the payment by phone or with me. If you decide to do the payment with me this service will have $10.00 fee.
Could you answer this question?
Is there anything else I can assist you today?
Let me know if you could open the instruction page.
Click here to access a step by step guide to
It will be Visa, Master Card, American Express or Discovery. Could you provide me the Credit Card number and the Expiration date, ? is the same already registered in the account?
109055-15 Account waiting form
Panoramic Wifi and Extenders costs
The rent of a panoramic wifi is for $9.99 per month.
The cost of the extenders is for $4.00 per month and the installation of it is for $25.00. 4:06pm We recommend getting a professional install with us. When the technician visits you he will verify and recommend the extenders you need depending on the size of your house. Verifying the areas with low signal. The professional install costs $75.00. 4:07pm Just to clarify the information each extender cost $4.00 per month. The technician will determine how many extenders you will need.
Gigablast will be the next generation of service from Cox. Also doing this installation with us you will be ready for that service.
How to check mail quote Cox
In the Inbox tab into your Cox email address you will find the information are you looking for. Below the Seach box. The last line in the column said: 8:49pm Mail quota. It is the space of your email address.
I'm sorry that you received a bill that was higher than expected. I would feel he same way, too.
Let's take a look at your account to see what caused the increase.
Wireless change password
You will find in these links the proper instructions to change it. In the first link you will find the way to find the admin module to do the change:
And in the second link you will find the steps to perform to change the password:
I recommend you do this procedure connected hardwire to the modem.
Change passwords.
There are several ways to reset your email password. If you want to change the password for the Cox Primary User ID, go to www.cox.com/password. Enter your Cox User ID, the security validation code, and then click Continue.
To reset the password for a secondary User ID, log in to Cox.com with the Primary User ID/email address. You can then go to Internet Tools or My Account. Learn more at http://bit.ly/AuthUserPswd.
MLB On Demand info
---------------------------------------------------------------- Live Chat with Netflix Agents https://contactus.netflix.com/help
Netflix Phone Number: 888-638-3549 ----------------------------------------------------------------
Deposit returned conditions
Deposits are returned after 12 months or upon disconnect of services. The deposit with interest is applied to any previous balance or appears as a credit on the most recent statement.
Auto Text{ "afters ": "The modem should be rebooting now, if the modem is not rebooting now, please unplug the power cord for 30 seconds and then plug it back.", "apo1 ": "Please accept my sincere and unreserved apology for any inconvenience this may have caused you.", "apo2 ": "I know how important is to have your service working properly. I apologize for all the inconveniences with the service.", "apo3 ": "I do apologize for all this experience. ", "apobill1 ": "I'm sorry that you received a bill that was higher than expected. I would feel the same way, too. ", "apobill2 ": "Let's take a look at your account to see what caused the increase. ", "b4s ": "If you are currently connected to the Cox Network, we are going to lose this chat session. Once the modem is back on please try to test the connection with just one device connected to the network. I'm leaving detailed notes in your account about this situation, if the issue persists please contact us again to follow the next steps. ", "card1 ": "To process your payment, please provide: The dollar amount you want to pay, The ATM or credit card type (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express), Your name as it appears on the card, The 16-digit card number, The expiration date on the card.", "cbr ": "Do you have a preferred contact number where the technician can reach you at?", "ccc ": "Our technician will be able to work with you to diagnose the problem further and in the instance that this issue is not related to Cox equipment or Cox wiring there may be a one time charge of $75 .\n\n To avoid potential charges, we offer Cox Complete Care, a comprehensive support solution that covers a wide range of support needs including: \n\n· Inside Wiring Repair \n· Equipment Troubleshooting \n· Technology/Equipment \n· Education and advanced tech support such as virus removal or software configuration. \n\nIt is an incredible value for just $10/month and a great way to protect yourself from additional charges in the future. ", "chatsecu ": "All chats are encrypted. This helps to protect the confidentiality of all information provided. Once we submit your information, we will only be able to see the last 4 digits. Also, all chats are monitored for quality assurance purposes. Any information gathered is for internal use only.", "check1 ": "To process your payment please provide: The dollar amount you want to ay, if checking or savings account, the account number and routing number. ", "chpass ": "I have reset your online profile password.\n\nUSER ID: \nPASSWORD: \n\nPlease be aware that the password is case-sensitive. Also please don't copy and paste, type directly your login information. This password it's temporary, I recommend changing your password immediately for a new (never used on the account password).", "chpass1 ": "In this case, we can try a password reset. I will provide you a temporary password and then I will provide you some steps to change it. Do you agree?", "chpass2 ": "USER ID: \nPASSWORD: \n\nPlease be aware that the password is case-sensitive. Also please don't copy and paste, type directly your login information. This password it's temporary, I recommend changing your password immediately.", "chpass3 ": "Please let me know if you are able to access the account.", "clo1 ": "Thank you for choosing Cox Communications. Remember, we're here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Have a good rest of the day!", "clo2 ": "If you have more questions, feel free to contact us again. We will be pleased to assist you, remember we are 24/7.", "col1 ": "Since I will not be able to get you an extension we have a dedicated department for this particular request, you can reach them at: \n\nThey are available (Monday - Friday, 9am-6pm)", "cpni1 ": "To better assist you, I will need the following information:\n \n1. The 10-Digit Phone Number as it is listed on the account.\n2. Your full name as it is listed on the account.\n3. Your complete home address where the service is located.\n4. The four-digit PIN \nnumber listed on the account.", "csat ": "I will appreciate you fill the survey at the end of this chat.", "cser ": "May I have the serial number of the affected cable box? The serial should be located at the back or below the cable box, with the last four digits it's okay. The serial should start with: ", "disco1 ": "Thank you for your patience. I have set up the disconnection order for you effective on xx/xx/xx. The work order number is: xxxxxxx\nPlease remember to return any Cox equipment. There will be a 10 days timeframe from the disconnection date to return it and avoid an unreturned equipment fee.", "disco2 ": "While there are many inquiries I can assist you with, disconnect services are not available through chat yet. For assistance with this request, please give us a call at 1-800-234-3993 (Monday - Friday, 8 am - 8 pm Saturday, 9 am - 6 pm).", "disco3 ": "While there are many inquiries I can assist you with, this option is not available through chat. For assistance with this request, please give us a call at 1-800-757-1082 (Monday - Friday, 8 am - 8 pm Saturday, 9 am - 6 pm).", "dvr1 ": "Accessing your account I can see you have a promotion to get our DVR service. ", "dvr2 ": "You can record up to 2 shows at the same time with this feature. You also can set recording remotely using your cell phone. \n", "dvr3 ": "Is this service will be useful for you?\n", "dvrpro ": "Accessing your account I can see you have a promotion to get our DVR service paying additional 5.00. You can record up to 2 shows at the same time with this feature. You also can set recording remotely using your cell phone.", "exp1 ": "I have verified your account and I can see here your bill increased due to an expired promotional price you had for 12 months. It is now at the regular price of your current Internet package.", "gre1 ": "Hello Customer, this is Eric and I hope that you're having a good day! How may I assist you today?", "hl1 ": "We as Cox Care Support we do not have the tools to provide you assistance with Homelife. However, I recommend you to contact our Homelife Department at 877-404-2568. I'm sure they can provide you the assistance you are looking for. ", "inedu ": "Our Professional installation has a charge of $75 for each service. The technician will make sure to activate the services inside/outside and everything will be working just fine. Self Activation has a charge of $20 but if the service does not work you will need to contact us again to set Technical visit (SelfToPro Order) for $55.", "info2 ": "Could you please confirm the full address where the service is currently located? ", "infom ": "In order to register the modem, I will need the brand, model, serial number and MAC address of the new equipment. ", "ipromo1 ": "Reviewing your account you also have a good promotion for your Internet service. ", "ipromo2 ": "How many devices do you connect to your Internet?", "itcc ": "In this case, I can send some signals to your cable box. The signals will refresh and reset your cable box and may fix this issue. Do you agree?", "itcm ": "In this case, I can send some signals to your modem. The signals will refresh and reset your modem and may fix the issue. Do you agree?", "itct ": "In this case, the next step is to schedule a technical visit. Do you agree?", "iu ": "I understand.", "link1 ": "Please let me know if you are able to access the link. ", "loy1 ": "We have a dedicated department for this particular request. They have great deals and promotions to help you reduce your bill or find a plan that better fits your needs. If you'd like, you can reach them at: ", "loyal1 ": "We have a specialized team for current and valued customers like you! They have great deals and promotions to help you reduce your bill or find a plan that better fits your needs. If you'd like, I can give you their telephone number.", "mor ": "Do you have a modem/router or separated units? ", "nnptp ": "At this moment the account is not under a disconnection risk since the account is not under a second past due amount. We will not be able to make an extension until the next bill is generated, once the next bill is generated, please contact us again to provide you more information about the disconnection date. The next bill will be generated on xx/xx/xx", "nopin ": "Please give us a call at 1 800 234 3993. They can perform a callback validation and you can update the Cox pin. Also, I recommend you set a security question to get an alternative validation method.", "noptp ": "Thank you for your patience. I have verified the account and it shows here you already had an extension last month. Unfortunately we do not have the access to apply another extension for this month since we have a limit and there need to be a 60 days time frame since the last extension in order to apply. ", "npass1 ": "In order to access My Wifi Portal please try to use the next link:\n\nhttps://www.cox.com/residential/support/managing-your-in-home-network-with-my-wifi.html\n\nOnce you access My Wifi Portal please scroll down until you see, View and Change the Wireless Network Name SSID and Password.", "op1 ": "I hope you are having a good day, I'll do my best to help you with your request. How can I help you today?", "opentd ": "I will need to send an escalation to our Specialized Phone Department, they have the tools to remotely fix this issue. This should be fixed in less than 24hours. They will contact you once the issue is fixed.", "outa1 ": "There is a temporary outage in your area. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Our technicians are aware of this issue and they are working to fix this the soon as possible. I'm leaving detailed notes in your account about all this situation. When the issue is fixed please contact us again to make the adjustments to your bill for the time without the service.", "outat ": "Unfortunately we don’t know how long this will take but our technicians are working to fix this issue the soon as possible. ", "payme ": "Will you pay with Credit Card or Checking account? ", "pet1 ": "What was the name of your first pet?", "pin1 ": "Could you please confirm the four-digit Cox Pin? It should be located at the upper right corner of your bill statement. ", "pre1 ": "It’s been great chatting with you! Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "pre2 ": "I hope the information that I provided you was helpful. Do you have any other questions I may help you with?", "pre3 ": "Do you have any other questions? ", "ptp1 ": "It's done. I successfully made the payment extension. You have until 00/00 to pay the past due amount. ", "ss1": "Would you be able to authenticate with the last 4 of the SS?", "ss2": "You can also authenticate with the last 4 of the SS.", "ssn1 ": "For account verification, please provide the last four digits of the account holder's Social Security number.", "str1 ": "Are you still with me?", "str2 ": "After another minute without a response from you, this chat session will automatically end. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.", "str3 ": "I apologize. It appears we have been disconnected from each other in chat. If you still need assistance, please close this chat and try to open a new one. Or contact us by phone - you'll find the number on our website. Thank you for choosing Cox.", "surv ": "You will receive a short survey regarding today's assistance, I will appreciate your feedback.", "surv2 ": "I will appreciate you fill the survey at the end of this chat.\n", "tck1 ": "I will send an escalation to our specialized department for this issue. I will provide you a ticket number as a reference and you will need to contact us in 24-48hours to check for the resolution. Ticket#: ", "tcr ": "Please be aware of the following:\n\n 1.An adult above the age of 18 must be present throughout the technician's visit.\n\n 2.Equipment in the house must be accessible and pets should be kept at a distance from the technician.\n\n 3.Gates must be unlocked for any outside work required.\n\n 4.The technician should call about 45 minutes prior to arrival to confirm the appointment.\n\n 5.If the problem originates with Cox, there will be no charge or additional fee for the visit. \n\n6.If the problem originates with equipment not provided by Cox or not covered by a purchased Cox Service Protection Plan, then a fee for the visit may apply.", "tcs ": "We have available slots for 00/00 at 8-10am, 10-12pm, 1-3pm, 3-5pm and 5-7pm.", "tfi ": "Thanks for this information.", "tpv1 ": "We are required to have telephone customers complete order verification by an independent third party before we can install your service. It will take about 3minutes. Please answer carefully \"Yes\" to all questions so we can proceed with the order. \n\nContact Number:\n\nRecord locator: ", "ty ": "Thank You.", "tyw ": "Thank you for the information you have provided me. This will take a moment while I get your account information.", "wait1 ": "Allow me a moment please.", "wait2 ": "Thanks for your patience.", "wait3 ": "Allow me just a second to find that information for you.", "wante ": "Do you want to have a Cox email address associated with your My Account Cox Id?", "who1 ": "May I know your name? To address you properly.", "who2 ": "Hi! Thank you for your inquiry. Before we continue, who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?", "whydisco ": "May I know your disconnection reason? ", "whypin ": "Please, understand that via chat we have no way to verify your information, but through the pin, without it anybody else can contact us and make any changes to your account without your consent.", "wsqa ": "You have to choose one secret question/answer:\n \n1. First pet name?\n\n2. First Concert you attended?\n\n3. City where your parents met? \n\n4. What street did you live on in third grade?\n\n5. Last name of your first grade teacher? ", "wuser ": "What name as a user ID would you like?", "yw ": "You're welcome." }
Homelife How To Preparing for your Cox Homelife installation - YouTube  Cox Communications | Preparing for your Cox Homelife installation
Getting a new Homelife system installed? Watch this video to learn about what to expect on installation day, and how to prepare. For more information, go to www.cox.com/explorehomelife. | x |
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